Monday, December 14, 2009

Alas...Fall term is FINALLY over!

As a returning adult student, I had forgotten what it felt like to juggle more than two classes at a time. This fall term was a struggle with dealing with two trimester classes in addition to two semester classes. I love trimester classes as they end sooner than a semester class, and I seem to learn more in a trimester class. Must be the whole meeting once a week thing. I don't know. My two fall tri classes ended last month, but as of today I am officially done with fall term. woohoo! I took the final for my sociology class today and Saturday, I turned in my paper for the one credit weekend class that I signed up for. **note to self...DON'T EVER TAKE A ONE CREDIT CLASS EVER AGAIN!** that I got that out of my system I am ready to move on and focus on my winter trimester classes that have been in session for a month now. But first I will say that I will miss meeting twice a week for my intro to sociology class. I really enjoyed the professor who taught the class even when most people did not. He is an easy but yet difficult professor. He is one who likes to challenge his students, which is what a professor should do. I went to class fully prepared almost 90% of each class meeting. I know there were a few days that I just felt out of my element, one being a couple weeks ago when I was doped up on pain killers from having a tooth pulled two days before. I had forgotten the book that was being discussed in class, and so I felt unprepared. When turning in my final test today, I was able to get my McDonaldization paper back as well. I got an "A"!! Oh I am excited for this. I truely enjoyed reading the book and had a hard time trying to keep the paper at the 5 page maximum. I even cheated by making the font be one size smaller and made the margins a bit smaller, so that I could get a few more lines on each page. Normally it seems that a college student would do the oppisite, just to help add some legnth to the paper. After class I emailed my professor telling him how I will miss his class and that if he teaches any trimester classes in the future I will have to take another class from him. He replied with an amazing response. He said, "You were an absolute joy to have in class everyday. Thank you for engaging the material. I knew everyday that you were prepared, interested, and ready to attack the topic headfirst. As you probably know from your husband, that is the ideal and cannot ask for anything more." Now how awesome is that?!! He also mentioned that if I am on campus next term to feel free and stop by his office. 

I am just on top of the world right now. :)


  1. Awesome job!!! It must be a relief to be done for a bit. : ) I love professors that are so good- I had the best one in nursing school. You had to work really hard in her class, but she was so into making sure you were learning. Unfortunately those kind are few and far between. When you get them though you're so blessed!

  2. I am actually not done. I am currently taking winter classes. I am off for two weeks starting Thursday due to the college being closed for the Christmas Holidays...and so I have a project to complete by Jan. 4th, in addition to starting 2 papers. It is a never ending process I am afraid.

  3. I love when I have a professor who believes in me. I got a similar comment on my review in TV Writing class and framed the paper. He didn't say I'd be a TV writer, but said the industry has room for me. I remind myself to listen to those voices rather than the ones that say "You'll never make it." Congratulations on your success.


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